Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dogs are like car Alarms

Dogs are like car alarms. You know the alarm that is set off by the wind and people just ignore it. It has happened so much that when an alarm goes off people roll their eyes and only look at the car to express their annoyance. Well dogs have turned in to just that. They bark so darn much that you just get annoyed but never bother to look at why they are barking. I am so sick of people letting their dogs bark non-stop that I am ready for a dog free neighborhood. Instead of dogs, for so called security, I would have a gate with an armed guard. I mean unless a dog is big and bites are they really a deterrent any more. If I heard my neighbors dog barking at three in the morning, I would just assume they are being inconsiderate, I would never think that someone was robbing their house. You would think that owners would be more responsible, train their dogs properly so that they can be good neighbors and in return when their dog barked I may actually be concerned. I don't hate animals, in fact I quite enjoy the ones that are well trained with courteous owners. Unfortunately they are becoming some what of an extinct breed. So if your a dog owner, ask your self has your dog become an annoying car alarm?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Romeo Is A Myth

Romeo oh Romeo where art thou?? I'll tell you where, in our imaginations! I need to stop watching soaps and chick flicks because they portray these romantic men who use flowers and candles to rule the world. It just sets us up for a disappointment. In reality we are all married to men who fart in bed or on the couch or where ever they please. The last time they bought flowers was for a holiday like mothers day and that was only under the duress of sleeping on the couch if they didn't. A romantic touch equals a slap on the butt and getting hit by his elbow while you try to sleep. So now that we know the truth how do we deal with this reality? How do we get the romance and sweetness in our lives? I guess that takes me back to my soaps and my chick flicks. Do you see what a vicious circle this is!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Crazy or Free Spirited

So I went to a large city park with the family and we had a great time. This park did attract all sorts and I had to laugh and wonder. First we walk by a group of guys doing organized martial arts in the field, then right next to them is a guy doing his own kind of martial arts, maybe hoping someone would notice him. Then just as we are already feeling entertained we round a corner and see that a group of people are having their own renaissance fair and no one else got the notice. Yep they're all dressed up in period costumes, but wait they have some how thrown star wars into the mix and are "jousting" with plastic laser swords and bats?!? Okay so what is the deal, I wonder if they look at me and think I'm the strange one. Then I thought maybe it would be liberating to walk around a park wearing a toga or something, I don't know. So what do you think are they crazy, socially inept or are they just so confident with them selves that the typical social boundaries mean nothing? What do you think?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

People Who Are Bad For You

Why are people curious about people who they know are bad for them? For example that ex best girlfriend who has done nothing but talk crap behind your back, why do you still look at her blog and wonder how she is doing? Or what about that ex who in hind sight was horrible to you, why do you want to look him up on myspace or facebook? Why do we let people who do not care for us effect our thoughts? It's crazy! Is it because we secretly hope horrible things for them and hope to discover this when we ask about them? What do you think? Do you have thoughts about people who are bad for you?

Monday, August 25, 2008

How To Speak Your Mind

The title idea came to me from my daughter watching Hannah Montana. Whenever someone says something that shocks Hannah Montana she says things like, "weirdo say what?" Daddy Say What?" You get the idea, so this page is dedicated to speaking your mind even if what you have to say is shocking. If you have something you wish to post you simply e-mail it to me at and I will publish it with no name or with your name, whatever you choose. So if you want to vent, brag, get downright mad or ooze with love about something this is the place. As long as your language is clean nothing is off limits. So go ahead speak your mind and see how great it feels!